
Porsche 944 Spare Parts and Cross Reference

Please note that the list shares the spare parts for all 944 models: 944 / S / S2 / Turbo / Turbo Cabriolet.
Big thanks to fellow enthusiast and 944 wizard Jusii for kicking off the original list!

Link to the list (opens in a new window):

Maintenance Intervals

MY1985/2 – MY1991 944 series maintenance intervals.

Technical Bulletins

TB9051 – Retrofitting R12 AC to R134.

Color Codes MY1984 – MY1991

Porsche color codes for MY1984 – MY1991.

Color Code - Color NameGerman NamePaint Effect*8485868788899091
L90E - Alpine WhiteAlpinweißU1XXXXXXXX
LM3A - Guards RedIndischrotU1XXXXXXXX
LY5D - Azurite BlueAzuritblauU1XXXXX
LY5U - Glacier MetallicGletscher-met.M2XXX
LY7T - Crystal Silver MetallicKristallsilber-met.M2XX
LY7P - Titanium MetallicTitan-met.M2XX
LY9Z - Panthero MetallicPanthero-met.M2XX
LZ3T - Zyclam Red, Pearl EffectZyclamrot-perlcolorP2XX
LM3B - Star RubySternrubinU1XX
LM5A - Maritime BlueMaratimblauU1X
LM5N - Cobalt Blue MetallicCobaltblau-met.M2X
LY9B - Brilliant BlackBrillantschwarzU2X
700 - BlackSchwarzU1X
908 - Grand Prix WhiteGrandprixweißU1X
80K - Guards RedIndischrotU1X
82N - Star RubySternrubinU1X
38B - Maritime BlueMaritimblauU1X
38A - Amethyst, Pearl EffectAmethyst-perlcolorP2X
92M - Amethyst, Pearl EffectAmethyst-perlcolorWP2X
738 - Black, Pearl EffectSchwarz-perlcolorP2X
92E - Polar Silver MetallicPolarsilber-met.M2X
83K - Polar SilverPolarsilber-met.WM2X
22D - Slate GreySchiefer-met.M2X
23F - Slate GreySchiefer-met.WM2X
37W - Night Blue, Pearl EffectNachtblau-perlcolorP2X
39C - Night Blue, Pearl EffectNachtblau-perlcolorWM2X
37U - Cobalt Blue MetallicCobaltblau-met.M2X
  • * Paint effect details:
  • U = Solid (Uni)
  • M = Metallic (Met)
  • P = Pearl Effect (Perlcolor)
  • W = Waterbased Lacquer (Wasserbasis-Lack)
  • 1 = Single-Layer Coat (Einschichtverfahren)
  • 2 = Two-Layer Coat (Zweischichtverfahren)

Example pictures of the colors on 944 Turbo Cabriolet:

Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN)

Digit:                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Example:                          W P 0 Z Z Z 9 5 Z  M  N  1  3  0  2  2  2
                                  ===== ===== === =  =  =  =  =============
                                    |     |    |  |  |  |  |        |
1. World manufacturer ID, WMI-------+     |    |  |  |  |  |        |
                                          |    |  |  |  |  |        |
2. Europe/RoW (ZZZ) or USA/Canada---------+    |  |  |  |  |        |
                                               |  |  |  |  |        |
3. Vehicle type 1st + 2nd digits---------------+  |  |  |  |        |
                                                  |  |  |  |        |
4. Checksum, Europe/RoW (Z) or USA/Canada (X)-----+  |  |  |        |
                                                     |  |  |        |
5. Model year----------------------------------------+  |  |        |
                                                        |  |        |
6. Manufacturing location-------------------------------+  |        |
                                                           |        |
7. Vehicle type 3rd digit----------------------------------+        |
8. Serial number----------------------------------------------------+

1.  1-3, [Country][Manufacturer][Model]:[W=Germany][P=Porsche, 0=RUF][O=Sports car, 0=Sports car, 1=SUV, I=SUV, 9=Performance enhanced sports car]

2.  4-6, [Body Type][Engine Type][Restraint Type]:[A=Coupe, B=Targa, C=Cabriolet, D=Targa ,E=Targa or Cabriolet, J=Coupe][A=Normally Aspirated, B=Normally Aspirated, C=Normally Aspirated, D=Turbo, J=Turbo][0=No airbags, 1=Driver only airbag, 2=Driver & passenger airbags]
Note: Europe/RoW always=ZZZ

3.  7-8, Vehicle type (1st + 2nd digits): 94=944, 95=944 Turbo, 98=Boxster etc.

4.  9, Checksum digit: RoW=Z, USA/Canada=X

5.  10, Model year: A=1980, B=1981, C=1982, D=1983, E=1984, F=1985, G=1986, H=1987, J=1988, K=1989, L=1990, M=1991, N=1992, P=1993, R=1994, S=1995, T=1996, V=1997, W=1998, X=1999, Y=2000, 1=2001, 2=2002, 3=2003, 4=2004, 5=2005, 6=2006, 7=2007, 8=2008, 9=2009

6.  11, Manufacturing location: L=Leipzig, N=Neckarsulm, P=Pfaffenhausen, S=Stuttgart, U=Uusikaupunki (Finland)

7.  12, Vehicle type (3rd digit): 4=944, 1=944 Turbo, 6=Boxster etc.

8.  13-17, Serial number

* Production between VIN’s: 0061-0625 = 565 (unconfirmed).